Candidate Biographies May 2021
HBC & ESCC Elections, 6 May 2021: Liberal Democrat candidates
HBC & ESCC Elections, 6 May 2021: Liberal Democrat candidates
LibDems want an East Sussex Alliance
Hello Everyone.
Some technical rather than substantive changes to the current local party constitution (see link here) are proposed just to ensure consistency with the 'Model Local Party Constitution', attached to the LibDem Constitution for England, as is required. The main change is for Article 7.2 (b) to be amended to include a reference for an independent report to be provided when the accounts for the previous year are submitted for approval by the AGM and then to delete Article 10.5 which provides for the annual accounts to be approved separately at a General Meeting to be held early each year
This has been a year like no other for the Liberal Democrats jointly running Rother District Council.
Welcome to my first annual report as chairperson, and what a strange year it's been.