hARoLD 2022 No 4 - Brede and Udimore election

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Whether by accident or design, we have come straight out of the Hastings Borough Elections and into a by-election in BREDE & UDIMORE, which the Tories have called for 16th June. MARTIN GRIFFITHS, who acted as agent for the Hastings elections has been selected as our candidate. Martin lives in Three Oaks, which is just outside the ward, which comprises of Brede, Broad Oak, Cackle Street, Cock Marling and Udimore. There is an added attraction (some rather fine inns aside) in that our MP, Sally Ann Hart(less) lives in Udimore.

Most of the issues that we have picked going around the villages so far have been County - typically Highways matters - speeding, potholes, the quality of work done on road repairs and similar works..
The first Focus leaflet has gone out as this newsletter is being written, and we intend to do as much canvassing as we can. If you are unable to join us in the field, a virtual phone bank has been set up which
you can access at home. Contact Stewart Rayment on 07968 845426 if you would like to access this.
The by-election was called on the death of Conservative councillor Jonathan
Johnson back in March. We extend our condolences to his wife, Gillian and mother, Noelle. The control of Rother District Council is not at stake, but a victory would be a vindication of the Rother Alliance and strengthen the Liberal Democrat position within it. So, it is all out for the 16th June - there is a lot of work to be done. Contact Martin on 07836 662216. As with the borough elections, there is a Whats-App group with on-going details.
Rother District Report.
Cllr. Andrew Mier
My apologies for a rather brief report, council business aside, the Brede & Udimore by-election, coming straight after the Hastings elections is taking up most of our spare time.
Targets have been set for the Environmental Agenda. Tier One - immediate action has led to the establishment of a Green Team, with the installation of electric charging points at Rother car parks, which will be extended to village halls in Tier Two (short-term). Tier One is also considering subsidies for community bus services to go electric and for the installation of solar energy panels on village halls.
Community Lottery
RDC has been delighted with the response from organisations to the launch of the Rother Community Lottery. The Community Lottery aims to help raise money for the many charities, not-for-profit community and voluntary groups that work within the Rother District. From every £1 lottery ticket purchased, 60p will go towards good causes.
It is a way of fund raising with little effort except encouraging your group's supporters to nominate your group when they buy a ticket. Rest assured this type of lottery has been researched and found that it is low risk in terms of encouraging gambling, particularly as there is no immediate win or lose.
We are really excited about this new lottery scheme. Not only will it help local organisations and charities but will also support projects that benefit the residents of the Rother District.
Further information can be obtained at Rother Community Lottery - Rother District Council
Martin out with Rother colleagues - Stephen Hardy & Cllr. Sue Prochak from Robertsbridge, and Jeremy & Cllr. Kathryn Field from Battle outside of Udimore Village Hall.
In Southern Rother we have been successful in helping applicants obtain Community Grants and Discretionary Disabled Facilities Grants.
In Fairlight we the planning appeal against Rother's Planning Committee's unanimous decision to refuse 43 houses at Wakehams Farm. This will be heard by the Inspector probably at the Town Hall in mid-July.
Getting Martin elected in Brede & Udimore will be a great vindication of all of our hard work.
Liberal Democrat Autumn Conference
17th - 20th September 2022 Brighton
For the first time since the pandemic, join us in Brighton for our Autumn
Conference, catch-up with friends, participate in discussions, hear from the experts, ask questions and get world class training - There's something for everyone and it's only a short train journey away for most of us.
Conference is where our party makes decisions. Every member has an equal right to attend, an equal say and an equal voice.
Whatever you want out of your membership, there's something for everyone happening at Conference, including:
- Live Q&As with MPs & Party Figures
- Live debates on the big issues
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- Hear from our Party's leaders from across the UK
- Get world-class training on how to campaign for change Sound good? Register now and get your all-access pass.
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Register as a member
If you register as a member today, tickets are just £75* until the 15th June and you get full access to the conference. Day or Weekend tickets are also available.
Register as a claimant
Claimant registration is £20* and is open to members & supporters who are students or on benefits. You can also register as an under 18 for just £10.
Supporter registration is £75* until the 15th June and gives you full access to the conference.
Register at www.libdems.org.uk/conference Before 15th June to get the early bird rate!
We've grown rather attached to the excellent Red Lion at Brede over the course of the by-election campaign and it will be the venue for our Lib Dem Pint on Friday 24th June from around 8.00pm. Good for food as well as a pint. They serve Harveys and their specially brewed Lion Brew IPA, by Greene King.
Parts of the building go back to the 15th century and if the evening is fine, the pub garden is attractively laid out. There is an interesting memory of the pub in 1920s
NS 1930s or thereabouts at www.hrfhs.org.uk/brede-memories/ It must have
been run by the Jee family for the best part of a century, but is now in the hands of Jake Goodsell (another old Brede name) and his partner Amy.
If you haven't been canvassing or delivering in the village, shame on you, but its well worth the walk around. The new graveyard has the intriguing stone to Lloyd George Griffin (died 1993). It would be fascinating to know more about him.
Do join us on the 24th.
Published & promoted by Martin Griffiths on behalf of Martin Griffiths and Hastings & Rye Liberal Democrats at Holly Cottage, Butchers Lane, Three Oaks, East Sussex TN35 4NH.