URGENT reminder re: Disposal West Marina

Your objection must arrive before noon on Friday 1 March 2019
If you want to object to the HBC proposal to dispose of the old bathing pool site (yes, HBC thought we would miss this if they referred to it as 'open space'), but have not yet done so, you can now send your objection directly to the Chief Legal Officer by email.
This notice was hidden deep inside the page of the Hastings Observer because a notice of 'disposal' is required by law, under SECTION 123(1)(2a) of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972. Approval must occur before the old bathing pool site can be leased to the developers. So the council is desperate to have approval granted without delay. Once this is granted the lease can be signed and planning will begin in earnest.
Your objection must arrive before noon on Friday 1 March 2019
QUOTE ref: HM/001082 and send your email to Democraticservices@hastings.gov.uk
You can still write to the Chief Legal Officer, Hastings Borough Council, Breeds Place, Hastings, TN34 3UY if you prefer but, don't delay the deadline is midday Friday, March 1.
Virginia Vilela, Chairperson of West Marina (a group of residents from the West Marina area of St.Leonards) says, "We are building on past community efforts to create a vibrant space in West Marina for visitors, local people and business owners. We believe it is right to approach some of the challenging issues we face in partnership with Hastings Borough Council."
Related Item
The HBC cabinet will meet to review the petition objecting to the development proposal on the old bathing pool site on March 4 at:
Muriel Matters House (formerly Aquila House)
Breeds Place
Hastings TN34 3UY
The meeting is public and begins at 6pm. Come and support the chair of the West Marina group asVirginia Vilela addresses the cabinet.
Links: You can see all West Marina news feed items on their website