Plurality of Political Coverage
Ashley Byrne, radio producer of Manchester (his own company), has started a petition for fair coverage of political parties in broadcast media in between elections. This is something we have a strong interest in given media infatuation with Reform UK.
The link to sign the petition is here but for some reason the link doesn't show the wording
Ensure plurality of political coverage across UK broadcast media at all times
Parliament to consider stronger legislation to ensure that a plurality of views from all political parties represented at Westminster and the nations parliaments are heard all year round, not just election times.
This together with legislation to ensure coverage never becomes akin to propaganda.
As UK voters who deeply value democracy and the plurality of voices, we are very concerned about the perceived lack of fair political coverage outside of elections. Currently, there is no legislation that guarantees equal or fair coverage of different political parties when not in the election season. Our Parliament should consider stronger rules to make sure parties with representation are shown for the work they are performing all year round. By doing this, citizens can possess a broader perspective on the activities of their representatives, which is essential for an informed democracy to function properly. The review should also look into how broadcasters can make sure coverage never verges on propaganda for any one political party or another.