Day Centre users grill Nick over Lib Dem priorities

On Wednesday morning Nick Perry, the Lib Dem parliamentary candidate for Hastings & Rye, attended a question and answer session at Reilley House day centre, Amherst Road, Bexhill, with residents of Hastings and St Leonards who have learning disabilities.
Nick was at Reilley House at the same time as the Lib Dem manifesto for the General Election was launched in London.
He was able to explain to Reilly House staff and users about the Lib Dems' four election priorities - fair tax; a fairer education system; fairer access to green jobs and a fairer and more transparent political system.
Questions followed, and ranged from disability access at Warrior Square Station, to the future of Hastings Pier, to how to tackle dog muck across our area.
Speaking after the meeting Nick said,
"I was thrilled to be able to come and talk about Lib Dem priorities to a very important group of voters. I was impressed with how engaged the service users were; the quality of their questions and the degree to which I was held to account!"
Reilly House Manager Nikki Wilson, said:
"It has been very beneficial for the political parties to come and talk about the General Election with our service users. I was overwhelmed with how much everybody got out of the discussions today. It is crucial that this group of people within our community makes informed choices on polling day. I'm grateful to Nick for spending time with us this morning."