Anne Scott's letter to the residents of Ore

Dear Ore Resident,
I would like to introduce myself and tell you what I stand for.
I was born in Hastings and have lived in Ore most of my life. I have worked in local businesses and now as a volunteer with various heritage related projects: the Fishermen's Museum and Hastings History House. Ore village is a thriving centre for our community and it is crucial that parking charges are not introduced here if the range of businesses are to survive.
I will fight for:
• Better planning - locally both Labour and Tory councils have failed to deliver, we have lost all the iconic Victorian villas along The Ridge; over-development and the loss of green space must be resisted
• Quality community facilities, more play space and support for voluntary groups
• Genuine community partnerships - where community views are heard and acted on; more powers devolved to local communities
• No parking charges in Ore Village
• The provision of grit bins - icy weather results in a nightmare on our pavements. Many local shopkeepers clear their frontage and are to be congratulated, more grit bins = better pedestrian safety
• Saving Hastings Pier - the Liberal Democrats were the first party to ask for compulsory purchase support for the Trust to develop a rescue scheme
I hope you will consider voting for me on 17th June. Common sense and working for the common good are what counts in local government and this is what I offer.